Hi, my name is Shannon Lin. I enjoy doing a variety of things in the graphic design and interaction design realm, as well as illustration. Usually working in editorial (or related). I can code some web things. ❇️
Currently, I’m a graphics/multimedia editor and designer at The New York Times.
Previously worked with:
➀ Netflix Editorial
➀ The Atlantic (Experimental Storytelling)
➁ The New York Times Magazine
➂ Freelance Clients: Base Design, No Plans, Porto Rocha, + more
➄ The New York Times
➆ Boon Design
Please contact me at this email for collabs or freelance!
Resume (2022)︎︎︎
Digital Editorial (mostly NYT)︎︎︎
A living room to hang out with friends in, complete with air conditioning︎︎︎
Turn fonts into music︎︎︎
Draw with emoji pixels︎︎︎
My resume︎︎︎
Selected Design Work:
Click thumbnails to view screenshots, for tab sanity
Buttons for the Styles Desk ︎
The Office: An In-Depth Analysis of Workplace User Behavior —The New York Times ︎︎︎2019
A poetic look back at the Moon Landing ︎
Looking Back at People Watching the Apollo 11 Mission — The New York Times ︎︎︎2019
Diaries from Tahir Hamut Izgil
One by One, My Friends Were Sent to the Camps — The Atlantic ︎︎︎

Some Illustration:

Here’s How ‘Anonymously Yours’ Brings Teen Rom-Com Tropes Back to Life
Netflix Tudum

Straightwashing Archive 81 (Unpublished)
Netflix Tudum

French Onion Soup

Satanic Summer Sessions

Satanic Summer Sessions
Some Art Direction:
Earlier Work: